Introduction: Rhino Speaker

About: I am a person with full of positive attitude. My fields of interest are Web Technology, Computer Graphics, Robotics, and Electronics. I have worked on lots of real-time project. I have a small workshop where I…

Hi, I recently built a CNC Router and currently testing out on different materials and with different shapes. So I got an idea of creating a speaker box mounted on Rhino's back. I used 8mm MDF for the entire build. So here is my build log for Rhino Speaker.

Step 1: Create Speaker Box

I first designed the front of the speaker box on Inkscape and then imported the file to Easel to generate gcode. You can get gcode from my Easel Post here, then I cut the front using my home made cnc router. I used hacksaw to cut sides and the back panel of the box.

Step 2: Create Rhino Stand

Now I took a image of rhino from the internet and modified it to my requirement, imported it to Easel Project and cut 2 copies of rhino stands. You can get a copy of rhino stand here.

Step 3: Electronics

I used PAM8403 Amplifier Module to enhance audio input and output. If you want to buy one here is the link.

Step 4: Finishing and Colour

For now the structure is completed and now I am planing out some nice colour. Your suggestions are highly appreciated on colour or any other design ideas for the exterior.

Box Contest 2017

Participated in the
Box Contest 2017

Unusual Uses Challenge 2017

Participated in the
Unusual Uses Challenge 2017