Introduction: Scrap Wood Cutting Board

About: I've worked for Instructables off and on since 2006 building and documenting just about everything I enjoy doing. I am now the Creative Programs founder and manager for Autodesk and just finished building out…
If you work in a wood shop then you probably have a bunch of scrap lying around from a bunch of different kinds of woods. My dad and I made a bunch of these cutting boards from all the scrap we had lying around and didn't have to cut into one new piece of lumber.

These boards are made from (left to right): cherry, paduk, walnut, curly maple, purple heart, maple, cherry, walnut, curly maple and then more cherry.

You can actually make some pretty awesome things from all that scrap you have lying around...check out Scrapile, a furniture company that I have long admired.

If you really want to go the extra mile, burn a silhouette of Elvis into the back of one and give it as a gift.