Introduction: Suitcase Organizer

About: I am a former English teacher turned Interactive Media Instructor turned STEM teacher turned computer science teacher. I like to make, fix, and take apart. Few things are more fun than taking something apart t…

The inspiration for this project comes from the GRID-IT. I like the idea but not the cost or size. I repair computers as a hobby and need all sorts of things to diagnose and/or fix the computers I encounter.

Sorry for the lack of pictures of the build. Sometimes I get in a groove and forget to take pictures.

Staple gun
Saw (Jigsaw)

Suitcase (American Tourister)
1/4 inch board (height and length will vary depending on the suitcase you use.)
Elastic (I got two different colors so I could alternate them.)
Glue (Gorilla Glue)

Measure the dimensions of the suitcase and use those measurements to cut your board. My suitcase had a slight curve and I made the board smaller so it would make contact with as much of the suitcase as possible for when I glued it. I used a jigsaw to cut the board. Be sure to sand down the rough edges. Also be careful using power tools.

I used the staple gun and glue to attach the fabric and elastic. My wife had some scrap fabric she was no longer using. Lay down a line of glue and lay the fabric on it. While the glue is still wet staple the fabric on one side and then stretch it to the other and staple it. Do this for the other two sides. Now you can attach the elastic. I use some pieces of cardboard to keep the staples from going too far into the wood, and coming out the other side.

Now you will glue the board to the suitcase. I used a generous amount of glue for this step. I do not want it to come loose although if it did I do not think it would be too big a deal. Once the glue dries you are ready to organize your equipment.

Portable Workstations Contest

Participated in the
Portable Workstations Contest

Makerlympics Contest

Participated in the
Makerlympics Contest

Organization Contest

Participated in the
Organization Contest