Introduction: Canned Fire

About: I may seem pretty wierd, thats because I am. I am get this out right now: I really love pie.

this Instructable is easy. after much experimentation (like 2 minutes) I have discovered the ultimate way to take your own pet fire with you where ever you go. I named my fire ernesto.

Step 1: A Long Time Ago

along time ago there were native americans. These native americans did not have the tech that the english had. But they discoverd inventive ways to live of the land with out harming it. One day a little native american said hey daddy why do we kill so many fires. The father replied "when we move from place to place we have to put the fire out and start a new fire at are new camp ground". the young native american told his dad "that is BS". He started the AFFR activists for fire rights group and discoverd a way to take fires from place to place. By wraping the embers and careing for it in the envirornment he neads. I have moderized this genuis idea and am now sharing it with you.

Step 2: The Stuff

for this Instructable you will need to have possession of the following:
1. a can
2. tin foil
3 olive oil
4. paper towels

Step 3: Comence Assemble

carefully take some tin foil and foilize the inside of the can without breaking the foil. and fold the excess foil over the rim of the can. Stuff the innards (the paper towels) in the can, about 2 should do the trick. Thoroughly saturate the paper towels with the olive oil and shazam you got canned fire. Now just use some more tin foil to make a lid. I would suggest taping a match to the can along with some sand paper. 

Step 4: Name Your Fire

you should name your fire and give it a place close to your heart. Take good care of your fire.
Instructions for use:
1. take tinfoil lid off the can
2. lite the paper
3. use this fire to make a bigger fire
when done wrap the fire up safely with some O2 pores in the tin foil.