Introduction: Erlenmeyer Flask Lamp

About: curious french guy.....

this is the original thing, volcanic sand is supposed to be in the bottle, the bulb is the non energy saving type....

this one costs more than 100 bucks....I'm glad I could make it by myself...

Step 1: I Won't Teach You How to Make a Lamp

anyway, my english is not good enough to name the specific parts....

I had an Erlenmeyer flask in my garage and the other day, I saw a designer's lamp using the same I decided I could do the same for cheap...


get some wire (cool wire), a switch and a bulb thing.

you can buy a lamp adaptor for bottle necks, but I found a piece of copper tube at the local hardware shop that fits both the flask and the bulb thing, much cheaper also.

Step 2: Nice Little Lamp for a Resonable Price

the lamp shade was around 10 euros, and I had the other stuff in my garage...

does the job, I like it...