Introduction: 3 ATtiny85 Pins Control of the - Nrf24L01 - التحكم بثلاثة دبابيس فى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Step 1: Introduction
The ATTiny85 is a high-performance, low-power Microchip 8-bit AVR RISC-based microcontroller combines 8KB ISP flash memory, 512B EEPROM, 512-Byte SRAM, 6 general purpose I/O lines.
One I/O line is configured as a RESET pin. We are left with only 5 I/O lines.
On the other hand, The nRF24L01 is a single chip 2.4GHz transceiver. It is configured and operated through a Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI - 5 I/O lines).
Interfacing the ATTiny85 with nRF24L01 leaves no room to add even a simple switch.
This article revisits the "Nerd Ralph original article" - - how to use just 3 pins of the ATTiny85 to control the transceiver.
This article gathers all the information spread over many articles treating the case in one place.
Step 2: PCB Design
Kicad is used to design this simple board.
Step 3: Coding
Two sketches are freely available for the tests.
- Transmitter sketch : To be flashed to the ATTiny85 board
- Receiver sketch : To be flashed to our ATMega328PB sniffer board
Step 4: Assembly
A simple board means easy assembly.
Step 5: TIP1 - ATTiny80 Board Configuration
The ATTiny85 should be configured with 1 MHZ internal frequency to achive successful communication.
Slowing down the SPI bus, leaves enough time for the RC circuit to charge and discharge completely to mangage perfectly the CSN I/O line.
Step 6: TIP2 - MISO -> MOSI and MOSI -> MISO
When used as an SPI master
- ATTINY85 MISO -> Nrf24L01 MOSI
- ATTINY85 MOSI -> Nrf24L01 MISO
When used for ISP programming
- ATTINY85 MISO -> Nrf24L01 MISO
- ATTINY85 MOSI -> Nrf24L01 MOSI
Step 7: Enjoy
A video is embedded to demostrate the use case.
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