Introduction: How to Instantly Fix a Broken Public Restroom Stall Door With 3d Printing

This was my first time designing something from scratch in tinkercad, so I did a basic model of an idea I've had kicking around for a while.  This is a pocket lock and hook combo for use in public bathrooms where the door doesn't quite lock on its own.  Usefull for keeping out zombies! The device simply sits on top of the door, holding it in place against the frame.  The pop-up piston allows a coat or bag to be hooked on, so you don't have to place your things on the floor of the stall.  When not in use, the piston drops back inside the housing, making the assembly fit inside a pocket or purse easily. the entire unit only measures about 1.5 x 1.5 x 2.5" long, and should be able to be printed in one shot. Comments welcome!