Introduction: 3D Printed Magnetic Mario Question Block

About: My name is Micah Durfee and I am a home schooled hobbyist. I like making pretty much everything out of just about anything

A Mario question block key chain or a desk display? Follow along and you can 3D print your very own. You can even customize the design to make different types of blocks.


1.3D printer


3.Magnets (3x1mm)

4.You can either follow the instructions and make your own or use my file, (Tinkercad link)

Step 1: Initial Square

The square is 25.4mm on all sides(pic.1) with a radius of of 1(pic.2).

Step 2: Question Marks?

I started the question mark with six rectangles.

1.Is 4.76mm by 7.93(pic.1),

2.Is 3.17mm by 11.66mm(pic.2),

3.Is 4.76mm by 11.11mm(pic.3),

4.Is 3.17mm by 11.11mm(pic.4),

5.Is 4.76mm by 7.16mm(pic.5),

6.Is 3.96mm by 4.76mm(pic.6).

The rectangles are arranged as seen in the pictures and are all 3mm high(pic.7). The "dot" of the question mark is about 1.5 mm away from the rest of the question mark. To make the question mark "roundish" I made four triangles 2.4mm by 3.17mm(pic.8) and put them on the corners with the smaller side of the triangle on the right and left sides of the question mark(pic.9,10,11). Duplicate the triangles to get eight, lay four on the ground and center the other four, one on each side, on the block(pic.12)(sorry for the backward question marks. The ones in the file are correct). You're either going to want to make the question marks on the work plane a little smaller or sand the question marks later. Line the ones on the block up on the very edge(pic.12), the set the grid snap to 1mm(pic.13) and move them out with your arrow keys 1mm(pic.14). Then make them into "holes" and group the shapes together to make and indent(pic.15). Then make circles 3.05mm by 3.05mm and 1.1mm tall(pic.16,17) to make holes for the magnets. Line them up on the corners and inside the question mark(pic.18,19,20,21,22). Lastly make holes in the four question marks laying on the workplane for magnets(pic.23,24).

Step 3: Finish It Off

Once you 3D print it you are going to want to paint it unless you just 3D printed it the right color. You can either glue the magnets in or just leave them loose. You are going to need about 32 magnets for one cube. You can see in pic.2 I put a magnet on one of the "dots" and pushed it into the hole on the block(pic.3). I glued the magnets into the corners and just pushed them in the other holes. They were tight enough everywhere else to just leave them without gluing them(pic.4). You could also drill a hole in it or print a loop on it if you want it as a key chain. Enjoy, Let me know if you made it. :)