Introduction: 3D Printed Pumpkin Using Tinkercad

About: Middle school science teacher, FTC robotics coach (team 5484 The Enderbots), Corgi owner, and a mom of two great kids. I have been married to the same guy for over 30 years.

Cute or scary, everyone loves pumpkins at Halloween! This instructable will talk you through all the steps necessary to design and 3D print great pumpkins.


  • 3D printer
  • Orange PLA filament
  • Green PLA filament
  • Tinkercad account
  • Super Glue

Step 1: Create the Basic Pumpkin Shape

This video will show you how to use Tinercad to create the basic pumpkin shape using 2 torus shapes grouped and revolved around a point.

Step 2: Create the Pumpkin Carving Shape and Carve the Top Out

This video will teach you how to create your own shape in tinkercad called a pumpkin cutter.

Step 3: Carve the Insides Out and Add the Face

This video will show you how to carve out the middle of the pumpkin and add a face.

Step 4: Create the Base of Vine Top

Step 5: Create the Vine

This video will show you how to create the vine part of the top.

Step 6: Fit the Vine Handle to the Pumpkin Top

This video will show you how to make sure the vine top fits perfectly on your pumpkin top.

Step 7: 3D Print and Assemble

After you have created your pumpkin in tinkercad, you will need to send each shape to your 3D printer to print. Be sure to add supports everywhere on the vine and pumpkin base when you slice those files. After the files print, the vine attaches to the pumpkin top with a drop or two of super glue (cyanoacrylate). Add a battery-operated tea light, and enjoy the season!