Introduction: 3D Printed Stand for a Moon Lamp

About: IT Manager and CAD Designer with a keen interest in technology for the visually impaired.

Amit_Jain published a great Instructable describing the construction of a Moon Lamp:

This included a brilliant 3D printed moon and a stand made from 6 pieces of wood.

I decided to try making a stand of the same shape but 3D printed using a PLA filament containing wood.

The results are shown in the pictures.


Step 1: Print Information

I designed the stand using Microsoft 3D Builder.

The resulting 3MF and STL files are attached.

I use an Original Prusa i3 Mk2 printer.

The GCode was produced from the STL file using PrusaSlicer Version 2.3.0+Win64.

Layer height: 0.15mm

Infill: 10%

Support Material: Yes

Print time: 4h44m

I hope that this Instructable will encourage many copies of Adil Jain's Moon Lamp.