Introduction: 5 Uses for Zip Ties

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Growing up, I knew of these as telephone ties. My Dad was an equipment installer for the Bells, so always had these things lying around the garage. Now that I'm older, I use them too! They seem to take on different names according to what they are being used for(cable ties, fence ties, cat toys....). We use a variety of sizes all around the farm and inside the house. There's always a bunch in the junk drawer for when we need a quick fastener or two. Here are some ways that we have recently used them:

Step 1: Cheap Cat Toy

Cat video!

Our cat loves zip ties, especially when you connect 2 or 3 into a chain.

Step 2: Missing Napkin Ring

I don't like blowing my nose with sniffies(stiffies), those printed mini tissues, so I used them for a (very)casual napkin. The one with the zip tie is for the boy. He likes it, and we think it's pretty funny.

Step 3: Paracord Bracelet Helper

A zip tie served as a perfect way to hold the bracelet steady around a chair spindle while I built the knots.

Step 4: Gym Bag Tag

The gym bag. It's Dewalt, why not?

: D

Step 5: Display Unit Fastener

Zip ties are great for neatly attaching items to showcase for display units.

What unique uses do you have for zip ties?

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: )
