Introduction: 7 SEGMENT DISPLAY
This instructable shows how to display 0-9 digits on 7 Segment Display using Arduino.
and these type of instructables are only for the arduino beginner.if you find any difficulties in following my tutorial please do leave a comment below so that i could post few good instructables for helping you in tecahing arduino.
let's start billing electronnics
- Arduino Uno 3
- 7 Seven Segment Display
- 2 x 220 Ohm Resistors
- Jumper Wires
- bread board
Step 2: BUILDING:-
Connect the pins described below:
- Arduino Pin 2 to Pin 9.
- Arduino Pin 3 to Pin 10.
- Arduino Pin 4 to Pin 4.
- Arduino Pin 5 to Pin 2.
- . Arduino Pin 6 to Pin 1.
- Arduino Pin 8 to Pin 7.
- Arduino Pin 9 to Pin 6.
- GND to Pin 3 and Pin 8 each connected with 220 ohm resistors.
Step 3: CODING:-
int a = 2;
//For displaying segment "a"
int b = 3; //For displaying segment "b"
int c = 4; //For displaying segment "c"
int d = 5; //For displaying segment "d"
int e = 6; //For displaying segment "e"
int f = 8; //For displaying segment "f"
int g = 9; //For displaying segment "g"
void setup() {
pinMode(a, OUTPUT);
//A pinMode(b, OUTPUT);
//B pinMode(c, OUTPUT);
//C pinMode(d, OUTPUT);
//D pinMode(e, OUTPUT);
//E pinMode(f, OUTPUT);
//F pinMode(g, OUTPUT);
void displayDigit(int digit) {
//Conditions for displaying segment a if(digit!=1 && digit != 4)
//Conditions for displaying segment b if(digit != 5 && digit != 6)
//Conditions for displaying segment c if(digit !=2)
//Conditions for displaying segment d if(digit != 1 && digit !=4 && digit !=7)
digitalWrite(d,HIGH); //Conditions for displaying segment e if(digit == 2 || digit ==6 || digit == 8 || digit==0) digitalWrite(e,HIGH); //Conditions for displaying segment f if(digit != 1 && digit !=2 && digit!=3 && digit !=7) digitalWrite(f,HIGH); if (digit!=0 && digit!=1 && digit !=7) digitalWrite(g,HIGH); } void turnOff() { digitalWrite(a,LOW); digitalWrite(b,LOW); digitalWrite(c,LOW); digitalWrite(d,LOW); digitalWrite(e,LOW); digitalWrite(f,LOW); digitalWrite(g,LOW); }
void loop() {
for(int i=0;i<10;i++) {
displayDigit(i); delay(1000); turnOff(); }