Introduction: A Card for Music Lovers

Do you have a friend, sister, brother, cousin, girlfriend or anyone that really loves music, then this is the craft for you!


You are going to need:

  1. A piece of sheet music
  2. Markers
  3. Scissors
  4. A pencil
  5. A pen (preferable not black)
  6. White out (optional but looks cool)

Step 1: Pick a Piece of Sheet Music

If you are making this for a loved one, I would pick their favorite song. This is what you are going to make the card on. I left a link to free printable sheet music here.

Step 2: Cut the Corners

When, you get the sheet music, you are going to cut the sharp corners off with your scissors to make it more appealing. This is just to round the corners instead of having a sharp edge. (THIS STEP IS OPTIONAL)

Step 3: Write Your First Draft in Pencil

When you have the sheet music, you are going to write your letter in pencil. You might not be able to see it that well, but you need an outline so you can go back with pen or maker.

Step 4: Go Over It in Pen or Marker

If you are going over it in pen, you will have to go over it in a bright colored marker after to really make the words pop.

Step 5: White Out/sharpie

This step is optional, if you want to do this it ends up looking really cool. You are going to take white out or a sharpie and go over the marker you put in the previous step. DO NOT cover the whole words with whiteout/sharpie. Leave some of the color. If your marker color is dark like: blue, purple, green, or any other cool color you want to use whiteout to highlight the words but if your marker color is light like: orange, yellow, some reds, or any other warm color you want to use sharpie to highlight the words. If you want since the highlighting step can be difficult you could only highlight important words.

Step 6: Touch Up Any Errors

If you make an error with the white out or sharpie then you can draw around it with the colored marker. It gives the same effect and is an easy touch up

Step 7: Give It to the Loved One

Now, it's all done! Go give it to the person you made it for. Thank you!