Introduction: A Holiday Candle Centerpiece in Spirits Bottle

About: Though I'm a professional executive by day, I love projects, electronics, and everything hardware/tools related. Making projects and teaching others is a passion of mine. I'm also an author of a leadership b…

Using old crayons and an empty bottle of your favorite spirits (pun intended) you can quickly create a festive holiday candle holder & centerpiece for your dining room table with just a few easy steps!


  • Crayons (color to match your holiday/festive theme) In my case, I used yellows, oranges, reds and black for a Halloween themed centerpiece.
  • Razor Knife (optional / used to quickly peel the paper from the crayons)
  • Candle
  • Hair dryer or soldering torch. (I used a torch for a faster result)
  • Empty bottle of spirits

Step 1: Select & Strip the Paper From Your Crayons

you only need several crayons to make a great effect. Strip the paper from your crayons as shown.

Step 2: Melt Crayons on Spirits Bottle

I used an empty bourbon bottle from Batson River Brewing & Distillery, but you can use any spirits bottle or wine bottle you may have handy. Using the torch (or hair dryer) you can begin melting crayons, letting them drip down the bottle as shown. There is no right or wrong technique. Sample different colors and levels of heat to get the effect you're looking for. I preferred to heat the crayon with the torch and let it slowly drip down the bottle.

Step 3: Examine Your Finished Product

Be careful to look from all sides and be sure you like the finished look. Once finished, you can warm the base of a candle and press it slowly into the opening of the bottle as shown here.

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