Introduction: A Homemade Solar Uven
an easy way to make cookies at school.
Step 1: Get a Plain Pizza Box
I got mine from AJ's is is green.
Step 2: Markout Where to Cut
I marked out 3 lines except for when the pizza box folded in yellow.
Step 3: Cut Out Your Outlined Shape
Be CaRefUl KidS, Xacto knives are not safe.
Step 4: It Will Look Like This
Step 5: Cover Your Flap With Tin Foil
Please Excuse the keeper of the tin foil.
Step 6: Cover the Bottom With Cling Wrap
Open The pizza box and tape cling wrap to the bottom of the lid.
Step 7: Cover the Top With Cling Wrap
Tape the cling wrap to the top of the pizza box lid just like the bottom.
Step 8: Cover the Bottom of the Pizza Box With Tin Foil
Step 9: Place (Not Glue) Black Construction Paper to the Box
Step 10: Bake It
Put the cookie dough in the box, close the lid, and place the box in a sunny spot. For us the cookies were warm in a 75 minutes but were never baked 100% after 24hrs we checked them agan just for fun. They were mainly cooked and many of our friends said they tasted good.