Introduction: A Quarter for Gum

About: Inspector, Engineering Tech & Inventor

How to get a Gumball when you have no Quarter.

Step 1: Inventory of Your Pocket

You walk into the breakroom and decide that you are in the mood for gum. You want that gumball from the gumball machine but you only have dimes and nickels. What are you going to do?

Step 2: No Time for Drinks

You see the drink machine in the corner of the breakroom in all its glory. Go over and feed your dimes and nickels into the drink machine.

Step 3: Change We Need

Wait, you didn't want a drink, you want a gumball. You now have a minimum grand total of 25 cents. Go ahead press that "Press for Coin Return" button. Now look in the change tray and, Voila, you now have a quarter. Please retrieve and return to the gumball machine.

Step 4: A Job Well Done

Now, place the quarter in the slot and rotate for that sweet delicious gumball you craved. Mission Accomplished!