Introduction: A Seal That Rolls a Ball. AUTOMATA. Laser Cutter.

About: I live in South Korea. I like to make things. So I recently bought a laser cutting machine. I will make more and more things.Thank you.

I can't speak English. So please refer to the video for how to make it.

So I write with a translator. I ask for your understanding.


Wooden board 3mm.

Wooden round bar diameter: 5mm, 2mm.





Step 1:


Laser cutting.

Step 2:

Making a cam.

Step 3:

Glue the tail with a thread.

Paint the sides of the tail with candles.

Step 4:

Connect the thread connected to the tail to the cam.

And glue it together.

Step 5:

Put the ball together.

Coloring makes it stand out even more.

Step 6:


When you turn the handle, the ball rotates and the tail shakes.