About: My name is Sameer Gupta. I am a working engineer. Playing with robots, electronics, embedded system etc. is my hobby and passion. I have always loved playing with all these things since my childhood. I don't b…

I was wondering to see the natural look of sky and the cloud inside my bedroom and hall, then I decided to make such a wonderful cost effective artificial cloud project with less material. This project of artificial cloud will make you happy by colorful effect and changeable mode. This cloud has a remote control to adjust the effect and you can enhance it at your own way. Get ready to make this!


  • RGB LED Strip Package
  • Plywood or Cardboard sheet
  • Aluminium Foil
  • Cotton
  • Strings or metal wires


  • Glue gun
  • Wood Cutter or Hacksaw
  • Scissor, Plier etc.

Step 1: The Video

I made a complete video to show that how to prepare the materials and make this wonderful cloud project. Just play and have a look.

Step 2: Cutout the Sheet

First of all, select an area where the project is going to be placed and a respective sized cardboard or plywood sheet is cutout. I decided to fit this in my ceiling window. It's your choice to select the area.

Step 3: Apply Glue Over the Sheet

The sheet used for this project should be shiny to reflect the light to enhance the performance of artificial cloud. So first of all, we apply the glue over the sheet perfectly to stick the reflective aluminium foil.

Step 4: Stick the Reflective Foil

After properly applying the glue over the sheet, the aluminium foil or any other reflective paper is paste over the whole surface of sheet.

Step 5: Place the LED Strip

The RGB LED Strip Package includes LED strip, controller, remote and a 12V power supply.

After making the sheet reflective, the RGB LED strip is need to place over the sheet so that the light comes out from the LEDs will properly spread throughout the sheet.

Step 6: Attach Metal Wire Strings

Clouds have a non-uniform curvature like shape. In order to make such kind of design I fixed these strings in cloud shape using hot glue gun. Next step will show you that these strings are designed to hold the cloud.

Step 7: Covering Cottons Over the Sheet

The metal strings previously designed are covered with cottons by applying glues. Cottons covering the design should neither be thicker nor thinner in order to proper emission of light and to hide the internal design.

Step 8: Finally Place the Project

Finally the design is completed and its the time to hang up the project.

Step 9: Powering the Project

The last step is to supply the power to the LED strip via DC power supply and its rock.


I hope you like my work then please vote this instructable for "Colors of the Rainbow" contest.