Introduction: AVR Development Board
Hello everyone
I hope everyone have good time.
My name is Martin and this is my very first instructable I make for you
sorry if my English is not very well, but I hope this instructable could help someone.
I'm not pro electrician and I am an IT man and app developer. but I really like the electronic and I decided to learn it by myself and after a lots of reading and experimenting with electronic stuff I learned a lot.
My instructable is about AVR board which I designed it by myself after doing some researches in google and watching some videos (specially Ben hack show) and decided to make this instractable.
I know there is a lots of project out there but I decided to make a development board which have three type of popular AVR microcontrollers on the board and you can carry it very easy and use each of the microcontrollers when ever you want.
Step 1: Choosing the Microcontroller
The Microcontrollers I used in this project:
My challenge was to put the microcontrollers on the board some how to all the chips and other components set nice and be easy to program the chips
I manage the board to be program with arduino as isp and ftdi
the design should be something like the image I uploaded for you. you can see the board layout and the components on the board.
Step 2: Parts You Need
List of parts you need:
1. Atmega328
2.Atmega32 of 16
3.Attiny85 or 45
5.Three led (different color)
6.Crystal oscillator (it depend on your microcontroller)
7.7805 voltage regulator
8.Two 10uf capacitor
9.1k.10k,220r resistors
10.Four or five 0.1uf capacitor
11.Few switches and female header
Step 3: Start to Laying Out the Parts on the Board
Know we start to laying out the parts
First of all you need to put the microcontrollers socket on the board and soldering it.
Then you need to set the 7805 voltage regulator, capacitors and led.
Then set the female headers next to the pins you want to use at future.
You can set header for the crystal oscillator as well ,so any time you want you can move it.
Set the 0.1 uf caps between vcc and Gnd of your microcontrollers to clean the power's noises as much as possible.
Set some female headers for your programmers.
I decided to manage two different way to program my microcontrollers,FTDI and using Arduino as ISP.
Then I used a led for each of microcontroller so you can find out if the microcontrollers are working or not by uploading a blink sketch onto your chips.
Step 4: Finish Up
Okay guys
The board is done and you can program it whenever you want by connecting FTDI or use your Arduino as ISP programmer.
Thank a lot.