Introduction: Accessory Dock for Nintendo Switch

My name is Benji Merrell, and I'm an engineering student at Utah State University.

When I first got my Nintendo Switch, I was worried about losing all of the controller accessories that came with it. I designed this little backpack for the dock to hold both of the Joy-Con wrist straps, and the combo Joy-Con grip accessory! Now all the accessories are in one place, and I don't have to worry about losing them!

Step 1: Design

This is my first Fusion 360 design!

The slots were designed to be minimal, but just enough to hold the accessories secure. The wrist strap tracks (the skinny ones on either side) were designed to slide on just like a Joy-Con controller. The combo controller grip tracks (the two in the middle) were designed for the grip to slide in between the tracks. The big solid anchor block at the top was offset so that it can fit snugly in between the outer housing and the connector housing of the dock itself, while keeping the controller accessories centered.

Step 2: Printing and Application

This was printed on a Lulzbot with generic black PLA. It took several hours, but was worth the wait! I printed mine upside down with the big anchor block section at the bottom. Be aware, the top of the anchor block section isn't perpendicular flat. So when you print it upside down, you will still need supports for the angle. The angle is necessary so that the print fits snug inside the Nintendo Switch dock.

The only post processing I did (besides remove the supports) was sanding down all of the tracks. If you have a better surface finish than I did, this might not be necessary. After sanding, the movement should be very smooth. If you don't sand, be aware that it will be very easy to slide the accessories onto the tracks, but very difficult to get them off. It might even damage them!

The pictures I've attached should make it simple to mount your new accessory holder. Just open the back of your dock, align the holder with the back case as shown, slide it all the way over to the left, and close the dock. That's it! Enjoy:)