Introduction: Action Origami: Jumping Origami Rabbit

About: Hi guys, I am GirlWithCurl. I'm your average thirteen year old who's a bit of a bookworm and rocks a head of curly hair. I love origami, cardmaking, other types of crafting, and STEAM. I'm curious and always …

Hello again! I'm already back, this time with my jumping origami bunny! I will show you how to fold it, detail it, and make it jump. This is one of my sister's favorite models! I will warn that I will say repeat multiple times, the process is very repetitive. I hope that you have fun folding this hopping origami rabbit!

P.S. Designed by Jeremy Shafer.

P.P.S. I would also like to mention that if you enjoy this tutorial please vote for me in the 'Paper Contest' it would be much appreciated.

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

Step 5:

Step 6:

Step 7:

Step 8:

Step 9:

Step 10:

Step 11:

Step 12:

Step 13:

Step 14:

Step 15:

Step 16:

Step 17:

Step 18:

Step 19:

Step 20:

Step 21:

Step 22:

Step 23:

Step 24:

Step 25:

Step 26:

Step 27:

Step 28:

Step 29:

Step 30:

Step 31:

Step 32:

Step 33:

Step 34:

Step 35:

Step 36:

Step 37:

Step 38:

Step 39:

If you don't want to go any farther than this than skip to the last step and learn to make it jump!

Step 40:

Step 41:

You can even give your rabbit a little floppy ear!

Step 42:

Step 43:

Step 44:

Step 45:

Step 46: Make It Jump!

Now that you have completed your bunny, you can learn how to make it jump!

Paper Contest

Participated in the
Paper Contest