Introduction: Addify - DIY - Board Game

Toys, Games and playtime - Who doesn't love it? This is a DIY game to teach addition to kids or anyone who enjoys numbers. It's simple, easy and fun. Minimum two players needed. Will you be my partner in this game?


1. Wooden Cubes (Total 9)

2. Acrylic paints

3. Paint Brush

4. Toothpick

Step 1: Gather the Materials

In this step I first put together all the materials. A bag of 36 dices. These are small, handy and colorful. Easy for everyone and fun too. I used a box of Acrylic colors and a paint brush. Just 1-2 toothpicks to write the numbers on the dice. You could use stickers if you feel it easy.

Step 2: First Side Orange Color

In this step, I took one dice at a time and added Orange color to just one side of the cube or dice. This was repeated for 8 cubes/dice. Let it dry completely.

Step 3: Second Side Yellow Color

In this step, I took one dice at a time and added Yellow color to the second side of the cube or dice. This was repeated for 8 cubes/dice. Let it dry completely.

Step 4: Third Side Green Color

In this step, I took one dice at a time and added Green color to the third side of the cube or dice. This was repeated for 8 cubes/dice. Let it dry completely.

Step 5: Fourth Side Brown Color

In this step, I took one dice at a time and added Brown color to the fourth side of the cube or dice. This was repeated for 8 cubes/dice. Let it dry completely.

Step 6: Fifth Side Blue Color

In this step, I took one dice at a time and added blue color to the fifth side of the cube or dice. This was repeated for 8 cubes/dice. Let it dry completely.

Step 7: Sixth Side Magenta

In this step, I took one dice at a time and added Magenta color to the sixth or last side of the cube or dice. This was repeated for 8 cubes/dice. Let it dry completely.

Step 8: 'Addify' White Dice

For this dice I painted all the 6 sides of the dice in white color. Let it dry completely. Then, added an addition (or '+', plus sign) on only 4 sides of the dice. 2 are intentionally left blank. If the blank side of the dice rolls up, the player get 0 points. In other words, no action or move is possible with this 'blank' side of the dice.

Step 9: Paint Number 1

On these fully dried dice and on the orange painted side, using a tooth pick I painted the number 1. Let it dry completely.

Step 10: Paint Number 2

On these fully dried dice and on the magenta painted side, using a tooth pick I painted the number 2. Let it dry completely.

Step 11: Paint Number 3

On these fully dried dice and on the green painted side, using a tooth pick I painted the number 3. Let it dry completely.

Step 12: Paint Number 4

On these fully dried dice and on the blue painted side, using a tooth pick I painted the number 4. Let it dry completely.

Step 13: Paint Number 5

On these fully dried dice and on the brown painted side, using a tooth pick I painted the number 5. Let it dry completely.

Step 14: Paint Number 6

On these fully dried dice and on the Yellow painted side, using a tooth pick I painted the number 6. Let it dry completely.

Step 15: How to Play the Game?

In this final fun-filled step, there are numerous possibilities to learn, enjoy and have fun. I will share

Option 1 (2 Players, 9 dice)

Player 1 rolls and throws all the 9 dice. Refer image 1. The 'Addify' dice shows a '+' sign and so the total is

Total = 1 + 2 + 2+ 3 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 23

Score = 23

Player 2 rolls and throws all the 9 dice. Refer image 2. Sadly, he gets '0' on the 'Addify' dice.

Score = 0

Player 1 plays the second round. Refer image 3. Sadly, he too gets '0' on the 'Addify' dice. His score remains 23.

Player 2 plays the second round. Refer image 4. The 'Addify' dice shows a '+' sign and so the total is

Total = 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 5 = 32

Score 32

Player 1 Score = 23

Player 2 Score = 32

and the Winner is Player 1 (which is myself :-))

Option 2 (2 Players, 2 dice)

Players - 2


  • Player 1 - Rolls 2 dice which means 6 to the power of 2 (6 x 6) = 36 possibilities
  • 4/6 times the dice could throw an 'addition' side
  • 2/6 times the dice could throw a 'blank' side Option 3 (2 Players, 3 dice)

Option 3 (2 Players, 3 dice)

Players - 2


  • Player 1 - Rolls 3 dice which means 6 to the power of 3 (6 x 6 x 6) = 216 possibilities
  • 4/6 times the dice could throw an 'addition' side
  • 2/6 times the dice could throw a 'blank' side
  • Player 2 - Rolls 3 dice which means 6 to the power of 3 (6 x 6 X 6) = 216 possibilities
  • 4/6 times the dice could throw an 'addition' side
  • 2/6 times the dice could throw a 'blank' side

2 Players Options

  • 2 Players, 4 dice, 1 Addify dice
  • 2 Players, 5 dice, 1 Addify dice
  • 2 Players, 6 dice, 1 Addify dice
  • 2 Players, 7 dice, 1 Addify dice
  • 2 Players, 8 dice, 1 Addify dice
  • 2 Players, 9 dice, 1 Addify dice

3 Players Options

  • 3 Players, 2 dice, 1 Addify dice
  • 3 Players, 3 dice, 1 Addify dice
  • 3 Players, 4 dice, 1 Addify dice
  • 3 Players, 5 dice, 1 Addify dice
  • 3 Players, 6 dice, 1 Addify dice
  • 3 Players, 7 dice, 1 Addify dice
  • 3 Players, 8 dice, 1 Addify dice
  • 3 Players, 9 dice, 1 Addify dice

4 Players Options

  • 4 Players, 2 dice, 1 Addify dice
  • 4 Players, 3 dice, 1 Addify dice
  • 4 Players, 4 dice, 1 Addify dice
  • 4 Players, 5 dice, 1 Addify dice
  • 4 Players, 6 dice, 1 Addify dice
  • 4 Players, 7 dice, 1 Addify dice
  • 4 Players, 8 dice, 1 Addify dice
  • 4 Players, 9 dice, 1 Addify dice

So on and so forth with (N - Players and 9 dice and 1 Addify dice)

Hope you enjoyed! Feel free to play as long as you wish to learn and have fun!!

Note - Congratulations! Thank you for playing with me.