Introduction: Airsoft BB Holder

An easy airsoft bb holder made from a simple pill bottle and a straw to act as the spout.

Step 1: The Materials

All you'll need is a a couple of things you can find around your house.

1.Empty pill bottle
2.Straw (big enough for the bb's to fit through)
3.Airsoft bb's
5.Drill bit (the same size as the straw)
7.Hot glue gun
8.Hot glue sticks
9.Popsicle sticks

Step 2: The Hole

Drill a hole in the top of the pill bottle lid. Make sure the straw fits in it good.

Step 3: The Straw

Cut the strawto the length you want the spout to be. (about 1.5 inches)

Step 4: The Glue

Once the straw fits the hole, hot glue the straw into the hole. THen let it dry. Cut a little bit of popsicle stick (about half an inch) and stick it in the top of the straw to act as a cork so no mm's fall out.

Step 5: The End

Load the bottle full of bb's then put the cap on and shoot away.