Introduction: Alkaline Experiment

An alkali also can be defined as a base that dissolves in water. A solution of a soluble base has a pH greater than 7.0. The adjective alkaline is commonly, and alkalescent less often, used in English as a synonym for basic, especially for soluble bases

This is fun experiment of making alkaline solution.
By this experiment you will able to know the acids and bases(alkaline) better.

Step 1: Required

This are easily available at home
1.Acid (turmeric,lemon,vinegar,...)
2.Base(dishwashing soap,baking soda,......)
3.Beaker or container
4.Stairer paper or litmus paper (optional)

Step 2: Mixing Acids and Bases

Add the acids and bases together in a container and stair it well
so now you will get a green, blue, purple, or black kind of solution if you had selected the substances correct.

Note-If your mixture is dry then add some water to it

Now you had turn a acid to an alkali

Step 3: Here Are Some Examples