Introduction: Aloha Shopping Bag

About: I have been sewing and crafting for several years, my children are grown so now I have lots of time to be creative. I enjoy photography, cooking, cake decorating, painting and sharing my projects with others.

Construct a cute, sturdy and useful shopping bag out of a couple of Hawaiian shirts.

A better alternative is taking reusable shopping bags with you whenever you go to the store.

You can find brightly colored Hawaiian shirts at your local thrift shop.

Step 1: Supplies

For this project you will need 2 Hawaiian shirts and a solid color Men's cotton long sleeved shirt.

Step 2: Cut Up Shirts

Cut off the sleeves. Cut out the back of the shirts at the seams. Cut off front sections. Throw away collar.

Cut a large square out of the back of the shirt, this will be the bottom section of the bag.

Step 3: Sew Pieces Together

With the back section of the second shirt, cut 2 pieces. Sew these to the sides of the square.

Step 4: Sew Lining

Cut and sew pieces of a solid color shirt and left overs from the Hawaiian shirts together to make the lining.

Step 5: Stitch Sides Together

Fold the bag in half, then fold the lining in half. Pin side together. Stitch up sides.

Step 6: Pin Lining to Bag

Place lining inside of bag and turn the top of lining down 1". Turn top of bag down 1". The top raw edges should be in between the bag and lining. Pin around top edge, matching up side seams of bag and lining together.

Step 7: Handles

Make 2 handles 20" long.

Step 8: Attaching Handles

The ends of the handles should be 1" in between bag and lining. Pin to secure.

Stitch around entire top edge of bag.

Step 9: Finished Bag

Now wasn't that easy? You can make these reusable bags for family and friends.

One size fits all!