Introduction: American Flag Inspired Frame

About: I'm a harpist who enjoys DIYing. :)

Having a Fourth of July bar-b-q? Or just want to make some upcycled patriotic decor?

Make this DIY American Flag inspired frame & use it for decoration at your next get-together. Or make a bunch & use them to identify each dish at a potluck or bbq.

If you'd like to watch a highlight video of the project, visit The Fisch Life IGTV channel.

How would you use it? Show me on Instagram at @TheFischLife & don't forget to tag @Instructables too.


  • plain picture frame (check your stash or the thrift store)
  • white paint
  • blue paint
  • red paint
  • assorted paint brushes

Optional Supplies:

  • stickers
  • hole punch
  • tweezers
  • paint palette or dish

Step 1: Base Coat

Remove the glass & backing of your frame & paint it white.

I believe I used 2 coats.

Step 2: Stickers (optional)

This is optional; I ended up painting this area again, so you could just do that. I'd probably suggest skipping that part.

Make small round stickers using a hole punch & garage sale stickers or label scraps.

Place the stickers on the upper left corner of the frame. These are keeping the "star" areas white.

Step 3: Paint (Blue)

Using a sponge brush, dab blue paint onto the frame around & over the stickers, making the blue part of the flag.

It might help to paint the outline in first, then fill it in.

Step 4: Paint (Red)

Paint the red stripes on the flag.

You can plan them out & make sure you have the right number, or you can wing it (like I did).

Add any other red details you want. I painted a lip area of the frame red as well.

Apply a second coat.

Step 5: Remove the Stickers

If you used stickers earlier, remove them with tweezers. This was a little more intense than I was hoping.

Step 6: Paint (White)

Touch up or add any stars to the blue area. If you paint them in rather than use the stickers, you can make them actual stars, or just dots.

Touch up any other areas.

Allow to dry.

Step 7: Frame & Display

Once it's dry, use your frame (with or without glass) & enjoy!

Want to see an accompanying video? Head over to The Fisch Life IGTV channel.

If you make a version of this, be sure to tag @TheFischLife & @Instructables on Instagram!