Introduction: Another Kind of Feather Hair Extension
Although traditional feather extensions are super cool, I prefer this more temporary feather accessory.
(Self-portrait: Feather extension peeking out creates a subtly edgy-hippy look)
(Self-portrait: Feather extension peeking out creates a subtly edgy-hippy look)
Step 1: You'll Need:
Super glue
Your feather(s) of choice
Small paint brush OR q-tip OR toothpick (something to apply superglue to feather)
Braided hair extension claw clips which match your hair colour (or not)- Got mine from the dollarstore
Something heavy (book, beer bottle)
Your feather(s) of choice
Small paint brush OR q-tip OR toothpick (something to apply superglue to feather)
Braided hair extension claw clips which match your hair colour (or not)- Got mine from the dollarstore
Something heavy (book, beer bottle)
Step 2: Threading
Near the end of the braid extension (opposite end of the clip), thread the tip of your feather through
some of the braids. Thread upward, toward the clip.
some of the braids. Thread upward, toward the clip.
Step 3: Final Touches
At this point, it should look something like the image on the left.
Then, superglue to tip of your feather to the back of the braid extension.
To set the glue, cover the glued area with something heavy (like a book).
Allow 5-10 minutes to dry.
Then, superglue to tip of your feather to the back of the braid extension.
To set the glue, cover the glued area with something heavy (like a book).
Allow 5-10 minutes to dry.
Step 4: Outcome
And you should have something like this!
Super simple and totally cool!
(And wonderfully cheap)
Super simple and totally cool!
(And wonderfully cheap)