Introduction: Arduino Baby Monitor With Java Viewer

Build an Arduino-based multi-sensor unit to observe conditions in a room. This unit can sense humidity, temperature, motion, and sound.

Attached is a java based viewer that receives serial data from the arduino.

Step 1: Behavior


The system measures each sensor and takes appropriate action

- Temperature: Three leds illuminated based on if the current temperatures is above, below, or about a preset desired temperature.

- Humidity: same as Temperature.

- Motion: When motion is detected the series of six leds illuminate while motion is being detected.

- Sound: Sends event notification to Java receiver Communication with java program

- Arduino sends sensor data via serial communication to the Java program. The Java program calculates elapsed time and displays data via a JFrame-base GUI.

Step 2: Materials


- Arduino uno

- DHT11 Humidity/Temperature sensor

- Sound Sensor Module

- HC-SR501 PIR Motion Sensor

- (6) 220Ohm resistors

- (6) leds (any color)

- At least 25 wires

- Computer with 64-bit Java JDK installed

- Arduino IDE with USB cable

Step 3: Connect Leds

Connect 6 Leds to ports 5 through 10 on the Arduino.

Step 4: Connect Humidity/Temperature Sensor

Connects the humidity/temperature sensor to pin 2 on the arduino.

Step 5: Connect Motion Sensor

Connect motion sensor to pin 12 on arduino. (Transistor(N) substituted for motion sensor in picture, same wiring)

Step 6: Connect Sound Sensor

Connect the sound sensor to pin 4 on the arduino. (Transistor(P) substituted for sound sensor in picture, same wiring)

Step 7: Connect Power and Ground

Connect the +5V pin on the arduino to the + rail on the breadboard.

Connect the GND pin on the arduino to the - rail on the breadboard.

Step 8: Coding

Step 1:

Load ArduinoHex.ino to the arduino

Step 2:

- Using Eclipse Programming Software, create a project with the two .dll files in its root directory.

- Load the RXTXcomm.jar file

Go to Project > Properties > Java Build Path > Add External JARs

- Load,, and to src folder in Project

Step 3: Use either Arduino IDE or ComPortTest to find which COM port is being used by arduino

Step 4: Make sure all other serial terminals to arduino are closed.

Step 5: Run ArduinoHexDriver

Sources: and java-end serial receiving:

Kinath Ripasinghe