Introduction: Arduino Bluetooth
For this tutorial I made example, send data to Arduino using a smartphone and vice versa. Bluetooth modules are also called HC05/06 (HC technical series)
HC 05/06 works on serial the android app is designed sending serial data to the Bluetooth module when certain button is pressed. The Bluetooth module at other end receive the data and send to ardunio through the TX pin of Bluetooth module(RX pin of arduino).
Use app BLUETOOTH TERMINAL to send and receive message
Step 1: Connection
The circuit is so simple and small , there is only few connection to be made
Arduino Pins Bluetooth Pins
RX (Pin 0) ———-> TX
TX (Pin 1) ———-> RX
5V ———-> VCC
GND ———-> GND
Step 2: Sending Data From Arduino to Mobile
It is a simple code to print message in your mobile phone infinite times (put it in void setup if you want to print it only once)
void setup() {
void loop()
Serial.println("this will get printed both in phone and Serial module");
Step 3: Reciving Data From Mobile and Printing in PC
It is a simple code to print message in your pc phone infinite times (put it in void setup if you want to print it only once)
char a;
void setup()
void loop() {