Introduction: Arduino IR Sensor and Remote With LCD

We are a group of UQD10801 (Robocon1) students from Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)

In this tutorial, you will learn how to display the buttons on the IR remote to the liquid crystal display (LCD) using an Arduino Uno R3. This tutorial will be simulated using tinkercad. You can refer to this YouTube video as an example.


1. Arduino Uno R3

2. Connecting wires

3. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)

4. Potentiometer

5. IR sensor

6. IR remote

7. Breadboard

8. Resistor (1kohm to 10kohm)

Step 1: Connect the Circuit As Shown in the Picture

Connect the wires using a breadboard to ensure a tidy circuit is made. For the LCD, pins 2,3,4,5,11 and 12 will be used. The function of the potentiometer is to control the brightness of the LCD. You may use multi colour wires as shown in the picture to keep track of the pins on the Arduino. The IR sensor will be connected to pin 7 on the Arduino.

Step 2: Coding the System

2 libraries are used which are LiquidCrystal.h and IRremote.h. The first part of coding is to find the code from each button of the remote. As an example, in, the code that is transmitted by the OFF/ON button is "16580863". This is different for all buttons. To find this, you will need to construct a program to find each codes for each button. An example code can be downloaded below as reference. You must manualy write down each code for every button from the serial monitor. Compile and upload the code to the Arduino and run the system. Test for each button on the IR remote and write down the codes for each of the buttons for future reference.

Step 3: Coding the Final Program

Once you finish recording the codes for the IR remote, you may proceed to code the final program. This will include the LiquidCrystal.h library. A sample code can be downloaded below for reference. Use the "switch" case in the program to toggle between the buttons. For each switch case, use lcd.print to display the text for each button on the LCD add a 0.5 second delay and a break; to exit the repetition. Once you're done coding, compile and upload it to the Arduino.

Step 4: Testing

The final step is to test the program by turning on the Arduino and test by pressing the buttons on the IR remote. If you can't see the text on the LCD, try adjusting the potentiometer knob. Have fun!