Introduction: Arduino Serial Plotter
Arduino Serial Communication and plotting the graph against the values.
Step 1: Watch Video
With New Arduino 1.6.5 IDE you can plot any sensor value in a Decent looking Graphs. You can Hook up a DHT-11 Sensor and can Make Temperature and Humidity Graph. You can Hook up an LDR Sensor and Can Generate Different Functions e.g. Square, SawTooth, Triangular, Sine and Cosine
Step 2: Required Components
- Arduino (any)
- Arduino IDE 1.6.5 or later installed.
- LDR Sensor
- 10K ohm Resistor.
- if you want to provide temperature graph use lm35
Step 3: Function Generation.
You can Generate all these types of function and observe the graph.
- Sine and Cosine
- triangular
- Saw toothed
- Square Signal
Step 4: Code:
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