Introduction: Attractive Flower Pot
We can make a simple and elegant flower pot for our garden from plastic bottle and thin plastic rope.
Materials Required:
1. Thin plastic rope
2. Red and Yellow colour
3. Plastic bottle
4. Blade
5. White lace(optional)
Step 1: Painting the Rope
1. Take the rope and paint some them red and some of them yellow.
Step 2: Making the Base Pot
- Take a plastic bottle having rectangular base.
- The base portion is cut out.
- Many vertical slits are made on the sides of the cut out part alternately.
- The colored rope is inserted in and out and through the slits and the side is fully covered.
- The rope is inserted such that the red and yellow colors come alternately.
- At last lace is pasted on the top edge of the pot.
- Your garden pot is ready.