Introduction: Automated Plant Thirst Indicator (Arduino) - Water Your Plant!!!
Get to know when your plant is thirst! Sometimes your plant in the pot may run out of enough water/moisture, But you might have forgot to water it because of your busy schedule. What if you have an indicating method that can say you whether your plant runs out of enough moisture or not?
I am going to make an Arduino system that will illuminate a Red LED to indicate that your plant soil moisture is low, and you have to water it! Also a Green LED will illuminate saying everything is fine and you don't need to water now!
Please find the video I have uploaded in my channel, and also subscribe us to stay connected with our upcoming videos..!
Step 1: Components Needed
1. Soil Moisture sensor - KG003
2. Arduino uno development board
3. Red LED, Green LED
4. Jumper Wires
5. Resistors 330 ohm (Optional for the LEDs)
6. Plant with a Pot
Step 2: Connection and Setup
Connect the 4 wires from the Soil moisture sensor module as follows:
Sensor Arduino
VCC 5V pin
GND Ground pin
D0 No need to connect
A0 Analog pin A0
Green LED - Arduino digital pin 11
Red LED - Arduino digital pin 12
*If needed, connect 330 ohm resistors in parallel with the LEDs.
Embed the Soil moisture sensor inside the plant pot, as it is Shown in the connection diagram.
Embed the sensor as half of it is inside the soil of the pot.
For more clarifications, check out the connection diagram.
Step 3: Coding
I have written the coding for the following condition:
If the soil moisture value is less than 50%, Red LED will be ON. (you will know you need to water the plant now.)
If the soil moisture value is higher than 50%, Green LED will be ON. (you can keep calm :) )
* You can change the threshold value to your preferred level, by replacing it wherever you find the value 50.
Note: You can study the needed moisture level for your plant type, and decide the threshold value.
Also note the depth of the sensor that is immersed inside the soil (in our case, half of the sensor) because by changing the depth you may see variations in the humidity values. Calibrating is a good option...!
Please find the code attached. Also I have given a google drive link to the code for you to download:
Step 4: Testing and Demonstration
You got to check out the system by adding water to the dry soil of the plant pot.
Find the animated demonstration in the video link (at the end of the video, animated images of the output are shown) :
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