Introduction: Automatic Blinds With Arduino. Controlled by Android-TV Remote-Buttons-Clock
Hello there !
First Instructable....
Everyday in the morning i open up the blind at 8:00am and i shut it down @ 19:00pm , So i decided to automate the entire procedure .
i use an Arduino pro mini 5v ,Encoder for current position, RTC clock for time ,a bluetooth module , IR reciever from an old TV set, a MG995 Metal Gear Servo, i added also 3 buttons UP STOP DOWN.
The idea is to open and close the blinds automatically throuth the Servo in specific time of the day , also by demand from Momentary Push Buttons , Android app , or my TV remote control !!
Step 1: Step 1 : Stuff Used
- 1 Arduino Pro Mini atmega328 5V 16M
- 2 Momentary switch
- 1 Servo MG995 Metal Gear High Speed Torque (HACKED FOR 360 Rotation) 360 Hack
- 1 Bluetooth Serial Port Module for Arduino
- 1 IR receiver
- 1 Blinds chain and Gear (from an old - spare blind)
- 1 Rotary Encoder
- 6 Screw Headers
- 1 5v voltage regulator
- 1 Capacitor
Some aluminium DIY parts to make the base structure of the mechanism
Step 2: Making the PCB.
I made a Fritzing project for the board , some of the componets solderd with cables.Like IR , RTC and Buttons
Step 3: Step:3 Hardware Installation.
This part have 3 sections,
- The servo and gear position
- The Encoder Installation (This item will tell arduino the current position of the blind)
- Box that will house the board.
The Servo and the Gear is installed in an aluminion sheet bended in L shape, with a piece of wood in the end of the structure to work like holder.
the Encoder is hot glued in a rotated part of the blind with a small aluminium stopper to hold the position and read the current height of the blind