Introduction: Automatic Soap to Hand Sanitizer Hack!

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Use you automatic hand soap dispenser to pump out hand sanitizer!  It is great to have around the house, by the restroom, in the office or anywhere else!

Step 1: Acquiring the Dispenser

Just about any store will have some kind of automatic hand soap dispenser, so any will do.  I used the one pictured.  To begin, remove the plastic soap bottle.  Get a blunt knife or even the tail end of a for and pry it under the lid of the soap container.  They have a few things to prevent you from doing this, so don't be afraid to use a little muscle to get it off.  Just be careful not to break it.  Once the lid is off, pour out the soap.  Then continue by rinsing out the container until all of the soap is completely out.   Next put the hand sanitizer of your choice and put the lid back in place.  If you wish for your dispenser to be a different color, get some spray paint and carefully go over it with a few coats or until desired color is achieved.  Once the paint is dry reinsert the plastic container into the automatic dispenser.  No you are the proud owner of a unique, hand sanitizer dispensing beaut!