Introduction: Autonomous Fire Fighting Robot With Self Finding Flames
This is our first project.
so let's get started.
The concept of this robot is very simple.
- save human life
- automatic
- low cost
- quick
- fireproof
this robot is designed with a strong structure this 2nd generation of fire fighting robot. clear concept and very faithful, so building this robot is very simple just some steps so follow instructions to build this robot.
require this things:
- 1/ Arduino mega
- 1/ l293d motor module with 12 v extra input
- or 1/ l298n motor
- 2/ 12v 200 rpm motor
- 1/ relay module
- 6/ flame sensor
- 1/ servo (sg-90)
- 1/ 1.5 meter by 1.5 meter plywood sheet 4mm
- 1/ pump
- 30/ jumper male-female wire
- 1/ GPB (General purpose board)board
- 1/ female work header
- 3/ male male jumper wire
- 1/medium size universal 4 side wheel
- wood steak 1inch by 1inch &1 m long
- aluminum foil 18 m long 30cm broad
- pipe 50 cm 1cm diameter
- 12 v 1amp power supplier
- 1L container
Step 1: Body for Strong Structure
1.first cut the main base
take plywood sheet and cut the part which is in image.
2.take other plywood sheet and cut 2 piece of 45cm*35cm
cut both of the sheet as shown in the image
cut X part in image
3.cut 2 piece of wood shown in 3rd image from other plywood sheet
4.take wood steak cut 4 piece long 17 cm
5.cut 4inch long piece from wood steak
Step 2: Electronics & Connection
connect as shown in image
- every red wire is vcc in image
- black wire is ground
- do is digital output pin
- i1,i2 is left motor
- i3 i4 is right motor
- if motor not rotating perfectly so change motor connected wire to motor mounter
- for pump connect 12+in common and pump +wire in n.o.
- give 12v to Arduino mega through vin & ground
click on this link :-cut & paste the code
Step 3: Assembly
assemble the robot as shown
take 45*55cm plywood sheet
join cut piece for motor vertically
join 4 piece of wood steak (17 cm)in the corner of wood
mount electronics as shown
and mount servo on center deck on second wood piece
now it like look like shown in image
join container join the pipe
note:- I use aluminum foil for wrappings but i take care about short circuit.
if you not have idea you should not use aluminum foil or wrappings