Introduction: Balance a Checkbook
How to balance a checkbook in 10 easy steps!
Step 1: Record All Transactions
Write down any thing you have bought or any money you have recieved over the past month.
Step 2: Write Down Bank Charges
Monthly Bank Fee.
Step 3: Add Any Deposits
Any amount of money that came into your account.
Step 4: Subtract All Credits
Any amount of money that was taken from your bank account.
Step 5: Outstanding Checks
Check that we’re not processed the previous month.
Step 6: Errors From Bank
Record any bank errors that you have seen on the online banking or your bank statement.
Step 7: Loan Payments
Any Loans you have taken out.
Step 8: Previous Charges From Before
Previous charges that have not come through on the previous balance.
Step 9: Confirm All Charges
Check off all Charges on the list and make sure you have accounted for all of them.
Step 10: Balance
Look at final balance and make sure you are not over drawn on your account and you either have money left over or broke even for the month!