Introduction: Banana Ice Cream!

About: Have a nice day!
Indulge without guilt in this scrumptious banana Ice cream! The perfect snack! It's healthy, delicious and easy to make!

Step 1: Ingredients and Tools

2 Frozen bananas
75 ml of milk

A hand blender

Step 2: Step 1: Put Together in a Blending Recipient

Put your frozen bananas in a bowl and defrost them for 30 secs in the microwave.
Put them in a recipient where you can blend them and add 75 mls of milk.

Step 3: Step 2: Blend at Full Power

When the top layer is blended, some frozen bananas will still be at the bottom, with a spoon, mix well and blend again.

Step 4: Finished

Top it with cinnamon and colorful sugar shavings or cacao nibs! Enjoy!!