Introduction: Batch Number Organiser
I was playing around with batch and came up with this, its a program that will ask for three numbers then sort them from the smallest to the biggest. If anyone has a better way of doing this please comment below because I would love to see a simpler version.
Step 1: The Code
@echo off
title Number Order
set /p input1=First number:
set /p input2=Second number:
set /p input3=Third number:
if %input1% LSS %input2% (
if %input1% LSS %input3% (
set num1=%input1%
) ELSE (
set num1=%input3%
if %input2% LSS %input3% (
set num2=%input2%
set num3=%input3%
) ELSE (
set num2=%input3%
set num3=%input2%
if %input2% LSS %input3% (
if %input2% LSS %input1% (
set num1=%input2%
) ELSE (
set num1=%input1%
if %input3% LSS %input1% (
set num2=%input3%
set num3=%input1%
) ELSE (
set num2=%input1%
set num3=%input3%
if %input3% LSS %input1% (
if %input3% LSS %input2% (
set num1=%input3%
) ELSE (
set num1=%input2%
if %input1% LSS %input2% (
set num2=%input1%
set num3=%input2%
) ELSE (
set num2=%input2%
set num3=%input1%
echo %num1%
echo %num2%
echo %num3%
goto main