Introduction: Beats by Rajeev & Gio (DIY Headphones)
How to make working headphones!
Step 1: (Material Gathering Process)
Gather these materials from Fry’s or your local electronics store:
- Paper Cups (2)
- Elmer's Glue Stick(1)
- Flashcard(1)
- Ruler(1)
- Sandpaper
- Roll of Electric tape
- Wire Cutters(1)
- 8 ft Roll of copper wire with a gauge
- Auxiliary Cord
- Roll of Aluminum Foil
- 4 neodymium of magnets
Step 2: (Coil Process)
Roll the flashcard around the glue stick and tape the ends together as shown in the video.
Step 3: (Coil Process)
Take the roll of copper wire and cut six feet of the wire.
Step 4: (Coil Process)
Leave about an inch or two sticking out and roll the wire around the gluestick 20 times, making 20 coils.While wrapping keep pushing the wire back to get it in a nice coil. (See below) Leave an inch or two on the other side (If not the case you may cut to length). This is what you’ll be using to wrap around the aux cord. See video below for clarification.
Step 5: (Coil Process)
Carefully, slide the coil off the glue stick, then thoroughly tape coils together.
Step 6: (Sanding)
After, carefully slide coil back onto gluestick to prepare for sanding. Once, you have gathered your sandpaper begin sanding each end of the wire that is sticking out.
Step 7: (Cup Process)
Take your sanded coil and set it aside. Grab your magnets and put one inside the cup and the other on the table. Move the cup toward the magnet on the table and the magnets should connect with the wall of the cup in between. Make sure you move the magnets so that they are on the bottom of the cup.
Step 8: (Diaphragm)
Now take coiled wire and place it on top of the exterior magnet in order to produce a magnetic field. Then secure the coiled wire with tape to the cup.
Step 9: (Diaphragm)
Take your (diaphragm material) and put it on the open side of the cup so that you can fold it onto the cup. Now take the excess and tape it to the cup.
Step 10: (Aux)
Gather your speaker cables and strip them so that the bare wires are exposed, then take wires to braid into aux connection. Then take the aux cover and run it through the wire so that the connection is hidden. Run the cable through the fuel line.
Step 11:
Take the side that is opposite to the aux and strip it.
Step 12:
Split the speaker cable about an inch or two and braid the black speaker cable to one loose wire on one of the cups. Then, take the red speaker cable and braid it to the other loose wire on the cup. Make sure that the black connection and the red connection are not touching each other. Otherwise, there will be no sound.
Step 13:
Cut the wire on the opposite side of the fuel line leaving 6 inches of cord sticking out. Strip the cord that is sticking out and then repeat the process in step 12.
Step 14:
After your have the two connections strip some of the wire that you cut and connect the black to black and the red to red. Tape your connection down to the cup.
Step 15:
Get your hot glue gun and glue side of the fuel line to each cup.
Step 16:
Get your cloth glue it to the back of the cup. Glue the excess to the side. Take more cloth and wrap it around side of the cup and glue it down. Leave ½ an inch of room so that you can glue that part inside the cup and after your glue to the side glue the cloth to the inside of the cup. Repeat on the other cup.
Step 17:
Take tin foil and cup 2 circles the diameter of two inches inside the cup. Hot glue those inside to use as a diaphragm.
Step 18:
Take the aux cable and plug it into a device that plays music and enjoy!
Step 19: Troubleshooting
If you can't hear sound, try ...
- Try burning the ends of the cords on the aux connection
- Checking to make sure that all connections are strong and supported
- Making sure the end of the voice coil is sanded completely
Step 20: Background Info
Reasons why we need a ...
- Diaphragm: Projects sound so it is clear
- Voice coil: Produces sound with conductivity from magnet
- Magnet: Provides electromagnetic field
Why the voice coil vibrate...
- Voice Coils vibrate because the alternating current is switching direction in the wire and polarity is flipping back and forth which attract and repel which in turn produce vibrations. Vibrations in sound waves contact us in patterns
- All waves transfer energy
We decided to use 25 coils because we tried 15 and we could barely hear anything.