Introduction: Beaver Teeth Earrings
One day while fishing a small creek, I spotted a strange, small object in the water. I picked it up and determined it to be a beaver's tooth, and I stuck it in my pocket and went on.. A few weeks later while fishing on the same creek, I came upon the matching half of the tooth I had found earlier. When I got home I looked at both teeth together and thought to my self, "what better way to class up your ears than to hang rodent teeth from them" and I have been making Beaver Teeth Earrings ever since. I now go to my friend who traps beavers to get the teeth.
Step 1: The First Step
Photo 1
First take the beaver teeth and give them a nice light sanding to remove dirt & stains, then figure out the how long you want your earrings and then make your cut.
Photo 2
I like to cut at a angle to allow for better hanging presentation
Photo 3
Now I apply two coats of polyurethane and allow a day of drying for each coat
Photo 4
While waiting on the teeth to dry I pick out a cap for the teeth. I have chosen acorn caps for this set.
First take the beaver teeth and give them a nice light sanding to remove dirt & stains, then figure out the how long you want your earrings and then make your cut.
Photo 2
I like to cut at a angle to allow for better hanging presentation
Photo 3
Now I apply two coats of polyurethane and allow a day of drying for each coat
Photo 4
While waiting on the teeth to dry I pick out a cap for the teeth. I have chosen acorn caps for this set.
Step 2: The Other Step
Photo 1
Drill a how throw the middle of your acorn caps
Photo 2
Cut your eye pin to fit in side your teeth
Photo 3
Finally you stick all the pieces together with some super glue and the necessary hardware and you're done! (I of course was out of glue but you get the idea)
Other photos
Some examples of beaver teeth earrings as well as my crawrings
Drill a how throw the middle of your acorn caps
Photo 2
Cut your eye pin to fit in side your teeth
Photo 3
Finally you stick all the pieces together with some super glue and the necessary hardware and you're done! (I of course was out of glue but you get the idea)
Other photos
Some examples of beaver teeth earrings as well as my crawrings