Introduction: Bike Inner Tube Earrings
Got a flat tire ? Make jewelry !
This tuto will show you how to make earrings from old bicycles inner tubes.
Step 1: Materials and Tools
Things you will need :
- bike inner tube
- beads
- 2 head pins
- 2 ear wires
Tools :
- scissors
- zig zag scissors
- round-nose pliers
- flat-nose pliers
- side-cutter pliers
Step 2: Preparation
Split inner tube and wash off the white powder
Cut the tube with zig zag scissors into the lenght you want your earrings to be
The ones shown above are approx. 20 cm x 0,5 cm
Step 3: Assembly
Make a small hole in the part of the tube and put it through the head pin. Repeat this and make 3 circles or more.
Step 4: Insert Beads
Put the beads on the head pin
Step 5: Close the Head Pin
Make a loop with the round-nose pliers on the top of the head pin, to close the earring.
Cut off the excess metal with side-cutter pliers.
Step 6: Attach the Ear Wire
Use the round-nose pliers to open up the ear wire and attach it to the loop of the head pin
Repeat all the steps for the second earring.
Step 7:
Finally your inner tube earings are complete !
Step 8:
Using bike tubes to make jewelry is a fun way to upcycle. The rubber of a bike tire is an easy and versatile medium to use, so thank you for reading, be creative and have fun !