Introduction: BloKart

About: I have done so many projects the past 10 years some of them were fully documented ,some are with photos but not from the starting point,some of these were scattered in different memory sticks ,old laptops and …

This is the 2nd Home built Blokart ,
My main aim is to have an easy, portable and lite blokart  that can be easly used and stored

fram was localy made using nothing but scrap metal in my work shop
,I used :
-1/2" heavy duty square bar for the main frame ,
-1" Alumium Pipe for the main mast ( 4 pcs 3' each ) ,
-3 pcs of 3/4" pipe 1'  long each with a flat washer welded right in the middle to be used to join the Mast pcs
-6' PVC pipe for the  Boom ,
-3 pullies you can find in local market for the main sheet.
-For the sail I used 2 pcs of a shower curtain stitched together with two pockets for the Battens,
-The Sail Battens were made out of PVC pipe vertically cut in half and then hammered into flat then  taped to cover sharp edges
-Tires  came from an old hand trolly ,you can actually use any type of tires for this Blokart..

-An old office chair was a very good Idea for the seat .
-used a laptop bag strap for a safety belt .


Step 1: Frame

Main frame square pipes cut and weld were done in 4 hrs .all fianl attachemnts were installed in almost 2 hrs.
it is as simple as it looks

Step 2: Rig Up

rigging the blokart in the desert was fun for the kids ,it took les than 1/2 hrs and then it was up to go