Introduction: Blue Öyster Cult Pendant

About: I'm Kozmic Blues! I'm always thinking and looking for new things to do. I also love Rock music and I usually mix both things to do my own accessories or clothes. I hope you'll enjoy my projects! I also have a…
Don't fear the reaper... join the Congregation!
I always wanted to do something with the Blue Öyster Cult logo! I also love to pick sea shells on the beach (I must admit I never use them)... so I had an idea! Put them together!

Step 1:

Pick some shells on the beach. The bigger the better!

Step 2:

Pick one and paint it blue. I used nail polish because it's a little transparent and you can still see the shell's natural drawings.

Step 3:

Take sharpie (one for marking CDs) and write down the letters. I copied the typography, so you must google Blue Oyster Cult and you'll find the pattern! Finally I drew the symbol. I drew it directly on the shell without patterns or schemes.

Step 4:

I varnished it with Mod Podge. DO NOT USE transparent nail polish cause the letters will melt! Probably other varnishes will work too.

Step 5:

Once it's dried, make a hole with a gimlet. Be patient and do not force it because you can break it. It takes a while...

Step 6:

Insert a piece of wire and make a loop on the top to hang the pendant.

Step 7:

Fill the shell with hot glue. Make sure the wire is covered by the glue to avoid losing it. Let it dry.

Paint the glue with something. I used black nail polish cause the blue one was not dark enough.

Step 8:

Finally, add a ring and put a leather cord through it.

Welcome to the Blue Öyster Cult!

To set yourself in the right mood, listen The Congregation by Alice Cooper... :p (not the best song in the world but quite funny)

Yes! I finally made something with a shell!