Introduction: Bobby Pin Case
Create a cute case for your bobby or hair pins from a recycled Tic Tac container.
Step 1: What You'll Need
To make these cool hair accessory holders, you will need...
- a Tic Tac container
- oil-based Sharpie marker
- super chunky glitter
- clear glue
Step 2: Prep the Container
To get start, remove the label from the Tic Tac container.
Step 3: Add Gold
Then, grab your gold paint marker and color in the top and sides of your container. You can also use silver or any other color paint pen you want!
Step 4: Add Glitter
Now, for the fun part: add a few dots of glue on the front of the container and attach a few pieces of chunky glitter. You can also use scraps of construction paper or tissue paper, like I did here. You can even embellish the front with a few dots from your paint pen.
Step 5: Add Bobby Pins!
Now that it's complete, you can add your bobby pins! These containers don't have to be used just for bobby pins. You can also use it to put your small earrings and backings, so you'll know where to find them!