Introduction: Creating a Booking App Using Amazon Honeycode

For my project, I wanted to create an app where my clients could book haircuts. I am a barber, or at least I like to think of myself as one, and the way I go about handling appointments right now is very unorganized and chaotic. Clients will simply message me on Instagram or Snapchat, hoping for a response. Not being able to keep track of all my clients in one place creates unwanted confusion and is very inconvenient. By creating an app where clients can book appointments and see when others have booked as well, it creates a more organized and controlled environment to more efficiently get things done.


- A computer/phone

- amazon honeycode account

- wifi

Step 1: Make Your Data Tables

The backend of the app is powered by data tables that you must add values to and link together. To start out, you must first assemble the tables you see above. Once creating these tables, you can move on to the next step which is linking them together so you can have values inputted that affect other tables.

Step 2: Linking Your Tables Together

To start, go to your "appointments" table. Then, click on column A (Clients) to highlight all the data boxes in the column and press the button in the editing menu titled "Wizards". Next, select "create picklists" and choose the "appointments" table for unique values in the "clients" column. From there you will select "Link to data in an existing table", and choose the "clients" table. Finally, select "apply". Congratulations, you have just created a picklist drop-down menu in the "clients" column of your appointments table that contains a list of all the clients that will book appointments. From there, you will apply the same principles to the "haircut type" and "status" columns. This is how you link tables via picklists.

Step 3: Create Your Screens

To create your screens, go to the builder button on the honeycode website menu and select your app. Then title your screens and add more as necessary. To create forms where information can be submitted and edited by clients, select "add objects" in the bottom left corner, and then select "form". You will then select "form in screen", and choose which table you want the form data to be added to, and what headers above the typing boxes there will be. After choosing your specifics, press "create". To edit button functions, select the button on the form screen or add a button and select it. Then you can go to "actions", "edit automation" and see what happens when the button is pressed, and add features such as notifications and navigation/updating or screens. On the top editing menu, you can also edit the font and other things to make the page more aesthetically pleasing.

Step 4: Formulate Your Navigation Buttons

After completing the setup for the tables and screens, you want to formulate your navigation buttons. These control what screens the client will be able to see when using your app/website. To edit the navigation buttons, click the "app navigation" button at the top right of the editing menu. From there, you can click and drag which screens you want the client to be able to see and which screens you want to hide from them.

Step 5: Customize and See Your App Work in Real Time

To customize the aesthetics of your app, like the font and size of the text, use the editing menu at the top of the honeycode website. Then, test out your app, tweak what you must, and enjoy!

Above is a picture of what information gets put where in your data tables, and below is a link to a much more in-depth tutorial on how to make this app, and why certain things are done.