Introduction: Boomerang Paper Airplane

Now you you can make a wonderfully attractive paper airplane that, if thrown right, will come back!

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

Now you need to collect ALL of your materials.

Materials to gather:
-1 sheet of A4 paper

Step 2: Begin Folding

Now to begin folding. You start by folding your paper in half lengthwise. Then unfold so you have a crease.

Step 3: Keep Folding

Now fold both top corners in to the center crease.

Step 4: More Folding

Next you need to fold the top point down so there is about one centimeter from the bottom of the point to the new fold. It should look like an envelope!

Step 5: Even More Folding

Fold the top corners down so they touch the middle crease. Do not line them up against it. Only the top corners should touch the center.

Step 6: Some More of That Folding Stuff

Here is an easy step. Just fold that little triangle near the bottom up.

Step 7: Getting Closer

Fold the left and right side so they meet at the center crease.

Step 8: Apple Pie! <--(just Wanted to Spice Things Up a Bit...yummm)

Now you fold these back out about a centimeter in from the previous folds.

Step 9: Almost There!!!

Now fold these wings in so they look like wings. They need to line up along the center crease on the top portion.

Step 10: Last Fold!!!

Fold the wings back at the center crease and lift them up so it can fly. It shouild look like an airplane now!

Step 11: Video

Here is a video of how it flies. I was throwing it around before I recorded this and it was flying perfectly. It must be a little camera-shy, because as soon I brought out the camera it stopped flying so well. So the video shows the best I could get it to go when it was being a stubborn little airplane.