Introduction: Boy Scout Merit Badge - Sculpting -2 B- Mold of Fruit or Vegtable.
First off, this is my first instructable so tell me how i did!
I decided to do this Merit Badge because i am good at doing this kind of stuff. When i searched the internet for anyone who has done this before me i got noting so i thought why not document my creation and share it to fellow peoples who want to sculpt a pear...
Here is how i did it.
I decided to do this Merit Badge because i am good at doing this kind of stuff. When i searched the internet for anyone who has done this before me i got noting so i thought why not document my creation and share it to fellow peoples who want to sculpt a pear...
Here is how i did it.
Step 1:
-Plaster of paris
-two disposable bowls
-plaster putty knife and mixing bowl
-a cup of water
-cooking spray
-a fruit or vegtable
-saran wrap
-brown spray paint
-a piece of wood
-tan paint
-paint brush
mix up the plaster and put in bowl. you'll need a lot of it and it sets fast!!! then squish the pear or whatever edible and get it at about half way.
-Plaster of paris
-two disposable bowls
-plaster putty knife and mixing bowl
-a cup of water
-cooking spray
-a fruit or vegtable
-saran wrap
-brown spray paint
-a piece of wood
-tan paint
-paint brush
mix up the plaster and put in bowl. you'll need a lot of it and it sets fast!!! then squish the pear or whatever edible and get it at about half way.
Step 2:
saran wrap the vegtable and put the other side on top of the other to make a 360 mold. make sure you saran wrap and gease the two sides with cooking spray.
Step 3:
once dry, seperate and you should get this. then take out the pear and toss in garbage. i would suggest not eating it...
Step 4:
mix more plaster and lay the saran wrap on each mold. then put the plaster in the mold and squish it to get the air bubbles out. you can use a clamp.
Step 5:
take the pear out of the mold, it may take some breaking of the mold
Step 6:
sand it down and paint it. using a knife you can bore out a bottom and top
Step 7:
Make a stem out of a piece of nice wood. you dont need a lot. i glued it in.
Step 8:
prop it up and, i dont know how to explain it but with brown spray paint you need to press down on the sides so it comes out in blotches not a fluid spray.... and paint it however you want.
Step 9:
and your done!! let it dry and show it off to peoples