Introduction: Bubble Snail: Frank
During my seminar: Maker, we were assigned to make a bubble machine. And this is my finished product! :)
Stuff I found in and around the shed.
Step 1: Getting Some Inspiration
After the assigment we had to get some inspiration for the bubblemachine, I searched on instructable and Pinterest. I knew I wanted to take inspiration from real life objects and turn it into a bubble machine. How? I don't know... yet.
Step 2: Sketching Some Ideas
I drew some ideas but I was still very lost. I didn't know where this would take me, I might be thinking to much?
Step 3: The First Prototypes
I made prototypes of different mechanisme to see if something would work or not.
Step 4: Iterate & Combine
Something "clicked" I let ever thought go and went to work instinctively, it was hard at first but after a while it felt natural. I discovered a wheel and some mesh with squares! Played around with some ways to get airflow, Even tried to make some sort of bellow. But this wasn't very effiicient, so I moved on. Then I found a ballpump that created the dessired airflow. Later I found a tube and connected those to create a precise flow. I kept thinking about that wheel for some reason and rolled back to it. And kept expirmenting with it.
Step 5: Snail Like Shape? With Bubbles!?
I had all the pieces for a bubble machine, so now it was time to assemble it. With I thought of something with a detonator because the ballpump kinda look that way. but I was thinking to much so I left it went to work. When I had everything put together it really looked like a snail. So to make it more like something real I customized into a snail.
This short seminar was an experience. At the start it was so hard and frustration, but then I think a short chat with the teacher had put me to rest and then it clicked! I even started to have fun :p
And I really like how this bubble snail came to be, I have decided to name it Frank. It looks like a Frank.