Introduction: Bubble Wand Curling Demo
Have you ever had curls that will not stay? Well, the bubble wand holds curls so well it's almost insane!
For this, you will need a:
- Bubble Wand
- Wide-tooth comb
- Clips
Step 1: STOP!!!
STOP!!! This wand only has one heat that it goes to and does not show a heat. The red light indicates it is on.
Step 2: Parting
You are going to divide the hair into two parts.
Step 3: Sectioning
Take a section of hair as big as you want. When picking out the size of the section, pick it out depending on how loose you want the curl.
Step 4: Wrap It Around
Now, you wrap it around the wand in the divots.
Step 5: Put It All Together
Please watch the video to see how this is completed.
Step 6: You're Done
Results will vary depending on the characteristics of your hair.
You're finished!